Here’s how we can protect the Amazon together:


We donate 2% from every sale to Jungle Keepers. It's as simple as that. 

Jungle Keepers is an amazing organization that works to protect some of the most biodiverse habitats on the planet in the Amazon Jungle. 


Not only are Jungle Keepers protecting the millions of heartbeats and flora that call the jungle home, they're also supporting local Peruvians by offering them an employment alternative via their Ranger Program that empowers locals to protect the land they live on rather than being forced to participate in harmful activities like logging or mining due to economic pressure. 


This creates a huge win for all of us, the locals, the animals and the plants that call the jungle home!

So remember...

Each time you shop my work, not only are you supporting a small biz and family and bringing something beautiful into your home, you're also helping to protect the lungs of our planet.


No big deal. 💁‍♀️